

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Miller, P. G., Moore, D., & Strang, J. (2006). The regulation of research by funding bodies: An emerging ethical issue for the alcohol and other drug sector? International Journal of Drug Policy, 17(1):12-16. [IF= 3.191; 30 Citations].

Miller, P. G. (2008). Research Independence Matters for Practitioners and Researchers in the Addictions. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 3(1/2): 43-55. [IF= N/A; 5 Citations].

Miller, P. G., & Kypri, K. (2009). Why we will not accept funding from Drinkwise. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, 324–326. [IF= 2.294; 16 Citations].

Miller, P. G., Kypri, K., Chikritzhs, T. N., Skov, S. J., & Rubin, G. (2009). Health experts reject industry-backed funding for alcohol research. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(12), 713. [IF= 4.089; 16 Citations].

Miller, P. G., McKenzie, S. P., De Groot, F. P., Davoren, S. L., & Leslie, E. R. (2010). The growing popularity of “low-carb” beers: Good marketing or community health risk? Medical Journal of Australia, 192(4), 235. [IF = 4.089; 2 Citations]

Miller, P. G., De Groot, F., McKenzie, S. P., & Droste, N. (2011). Vested Interests in Addiction Research and Policy. Alcohol Industry Use of Social Aspect Public Relations Organisations against Preventative Health Measures. Addiction, 106(9), 1560-1567. [IF= 4.145; 31 Citations].

O’Brien, K.S., Lynott, D., Miller, P.G. (2013) Alcohol industry sponsorship and alcohol-related harms in Australian university sportspeople/athletes. Drug and Alcohol Review. 32(3):241-247 [IF= 2.294, 11 Citations]

Miller, P. G. (2013). Energy drinks and alcohol: research supported by industry may be downplaying harms. British Medical Journal, 347: f5345. [IF = 19.967; 8 Citations]

McCambridge, J., Kypri, K., Miller, P. G., Hawkins, B., & Hastings, G. (2013). Be aware of Drinkaware. Addiction, 109(4), 519-524. [IF = 4.145; 18 Citations]

McCambridge, J., Kypri, K. Miller, P., Hawkins, B. & Hastings, G. (2014) From Tobacco Control to Alcohol Policy. Addiction, 109(4), 528-529 [IF= 4.145, 2 Citations]

Coomber, K., Martino, F., Babor, R., & Miller, P.G. (2015) Do consumers ‘Get the facts’? A survey of alcohol warning label recognition in Australia. BMC Public Health. 15(816), 1-9 [IF= 2.264, 10 Citations]

Avery. M.R., Droste, N., Giorgi, N., Ferguson, A., Martino, F., Coomber, K., Miller, P.G. (2016) Mechanisms of influence: Alcohol industry submissions to the inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Drug and Alcohol Review. 35(6):665-672 [IF= 2.294, 0 Citations]

Martino, F., Miller, P.G., Coomber, K., Hancock, L., Kypri, K. (in press). Analysis of alcohol industry submissions against marketing regulation. PLOS One.


Miller, P. G., Babor, T. F., & McGovern, T. F. (2008). Relationships with the Alcoholic Beverage Industry, Pharmaceutical Companies and Other Funding Agencies: Holy Grail or Poisoned Chalice? In T. F. Babor, K. Stenius, & S. Savva (Eds.), Publishing Addiction Science: The Essential Guide 2nd Edition (pp. 190-212). London: International Society of Addiction Journal Editors. Available online:

Miller, P. G., Carter, A., Hall, W. (2010). Ethical Issues in Alcohol, other Drugs and Addiction-related Research. In: P. G. Miller, J. Strang, & P. M. Miller (Eds.), Addiction Research Methods (pp. 79-89). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells.

Carter, A., Miller, P. G., & Hall, W. (2012). The Ethics of Harm Reduction. In: R. Pates (Ed.). Harm Reduction (pp. 111-123). London: Elsevier.

Miller, P. G., Carter, A., & de Groot, F. (2011). Investment and invested interests in neuroscience research of addiction: Ethical research requires more than informed consent. In A. Carter, W. Hall & J. Illes (Eds.), Addiction Neuroethics: The Ethics of Addiction Neuroscience Research and Treatment (pp. 278-296). Chennai, India: Academic Press.

Miller, P.G., Babor, T.F., McGovern, T., Obot, I., Buhringer, G. (under review) Relationships with the alcoholic-beverage industry, pharmaceutical companies and other funding agencies: Holy Grail or poisoned chalice. In Babor, T., Stenius, K., Savva, S., O’Reilly, Publishing Addiction Science: A guide for the perplexed 3rd ed. Multi-Science Publishing Company Ltd, UK.


Kypri. K., O’Brien, K., & Miller, P. G. (2009). Time for precautionary action on alcohol industry funding of sporting bodies. Addiction, 104, 1949-1950. [IF= 4.6 ; 7 Citations].

Babor, T. F., Miller, P. G., & Edwards, G. E. (2010). Vested interests in addiction research and policy [Editorial]. Addiction, 105, 4-5. [IF= 4.6; 13 Citations]

Babor, T., Hall, W., Humphreys, K., Miller, P., Petry, N., & West, R. (2013). Who is responsible for the public’s health? The role of the alcohol industry in the WHO global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. Addiction, 108(12), 2045-2047. [IF =4.6; 6 Citations]

Babor, T. F., & Miller, P. G. (2014). McCarthyism, conflict of Interest and Addiction’s new Transparency Declaration Procedures. Addiction, 109(3), 341-344.  [IF = 4.74; 7 Citations]


Miller, P. G., Kypri, K., Chikritzhs, T., Skov, S., Rubin, G., Stanley, F., Hall, W., Chapman, S., Edwards, G., Daube, M., et al. (2009). Health experts reject industry-backed funding for alcohol research. Medical Journal Australia, 190. [IF= 4.089; 16 Citations].

Miller, P. G., McKenzie, S. P., De Groot, F., Davoren, S., Leslie, E. (2010). The growing popularity of low carb beers: good marketing or insidious community health risk? Medical Journal of Australia. 192 (4):  [IF= 4.089; 1 Citation]

McKenzie, S. P., Leslie, E., & Miller, P. (2011). Lower alcohol, lower calorie’ wines: harm reduction or harm production? Medical Journal of Australia, 194, 11: 164-5. [IF = 4.089; 0 Citations]

Naimi, T., Babor, T., Chikritzhs, T., Stockwell, T., McCambridge, J., Miller, P., Bradley, K., Kypri, K., & Saitz, R. (2015). Let’s not “Relax” Evidence Standards When Recommending Risky Preventive Therapeutic Agents. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 39(7), 1275-1276[IF = 3.392; 1 Citation]

McCambridge, J., Kypri, K. Miller, P. Hawkins, B. & Hastings, G. (2015) Where is the evidence? Addiction 110(3), 540-541. [IF = 4.145; 0 Citations]

Babor, T., Miller, P.G., Robaina, K. (2016) Reply to Cottler et al. letter to the editor. Addiction. 111(8):1489

Kypros Kypri

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Miller P.G., Martino F, Coomber K, Hancock L, Kypri K (2017). Analysis of alcohol industry submissions against marketing regulation. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0170366.

Robertson N, Kypri K, Stafford J, Daube M, Avery M and Miller P (under review). Australian lobbyist registers are not serving the purposes they were designed for. Drug & Alcohol Review (IF 2.5)

Miller P, Martino F, Gross S, Curtis A, Mayshak R, Droste N, Kypri K (accepted March 2017). Funder interference in addiction research: A global survey of study authors. Addictive Behaviors

Jackson N & Kypri K (2016). A critique of Fox’s industry-funded report into the drivers of anti-social behaviour in the night-time economies of Australia and New Zealand. Addiction 111(3) 552-7 (IF 5.0)

Kypri K, Connor J, Sellman D (2015). The dissolution of the Alcohol Advisory Council: A blow for public health [Peer-reviewed Viewpoint]. New Zealand Medical Journal 128(1409):56-60

McCambridge J, Kypri K, Drummond C, Strang J (2014). Alcohol harm reduction: Corporate capture of a key concept. PLoS Medicine 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001767 (IF 13.6)

Kypri K, Wolfenden L, Hutchesson M, Langley J, Voas R (2014). Public, official, and industry submissions on a Bill to increase the alcohol minimum purchasing age: A critical analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy 25(4) 709–716 (IF 3.1)

O’Brien, Ferris J, Greenlees I, Jowett S, Rhind D, Cook P, Kypri K (2014). Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking in UK university students who play sport. Addiction, 109, 1647-1654 (IF 5.0)

McCambridge J, Kypri K, Miller P.G., Hawkins B, Hastings G (2014). Be aware of Drinkaware. Addiction. 104: 519-524(IF 5.0)

Kypri K, Walsh RA, Sanson-Fisher R (2009). Australian universities’ open door policies on alcohol industry research funding. Addiction 104, 1765-1768 (IF 5.0)

O’Brien K & Kypri K (2008). Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking among sportspeople. Addiction 103(12)1961-1966. (IF 5.0)

Editorials and commentaries in peer-reviewed journals

Kypri K (2016) Science, politics, and the play of chance in recent Australian drinking law changes (Editorial). Drug & Alcohol Review 35(6):657-660 (IF 2.4)

Kypri K, Dorji G, Dalton C. (2016). Alcohol and economic development: Observations on the Kingdom of Bhutan (Commentary). Drug & Alcohol Review (IF 2.4)

McCambridge J, Kypri K, Miller P, Hawkins B, Hastings G (2014). From tobacco control to alcohol policy (reply to commentaries). Addiction, 104: 528-529 (IF 5.0)

Kypri K, Connor J, Maclennan B, Sellman  D (2013). What became of New Zealand's golden opportunity for liquor law reform [Editorial]. Drug & Alcohol Review 32(6)557-60. (IF 2.4)

Kypri K, Langley J, Connor J (2010). Alcohol In Our Lives: A Once in a generation opportunity for liquor law reform in New Zealand [Editorial]. Drug & Alcohol Review 29(1)1-4. (IF 2.4)

Miller P.G. & Kypri K (2009). Why we will not accept funding from Drinkwise [Commentary]. Drug & Alcohol Review 28(3)324–6. (IF 2.4)

Letters to the editor in peer-reviewed journals

Naimi T et al (2015). Let’s not “Relax” Evidence Standards When Recommending Risky Preventive Therapeutic Agents [peer reviewed letter]. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (IF 2.8)

Miller PG, Kypri K, Chikritzhs TN, Skov SJ, Rubin G. Health experts reject industry-backed funding for alcohol research. Med J Aust 2009;190(12):713-4. (IF 3.4)

Other dissemination

Kypri K. HRMI receipt of alcohol industry funding. Letter to the Editor, Newcastle Herald 16 December 2016

Kypri K. Science, politics, and the play of chance in recent Australian drinking law changes. Drug & Alcohol Review; Reprinted as a Feature in Police News: Official Journal of the Police Association of New South Wales; 96(12)30-33, December 2016.

Kypri K. Should scientists work with industry on alcohol policy? The Conversation, 12/1/2015,

Jim McCambridge

Articles in Peer reviewed journals

Hawkins, B., Holden, C., McCambridge J. (2012) Alcohol industry influence on U.K. alcohol policy: A new research agenda for public health. Critical Public Health DOI:10.1080/09581596.2012.658027

Holden, C., Hawkins, B., McCambridge J. (2012) Cleavages and co-operation in the UK alcohol industry: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 26;12:483. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-483.

Lyness, S.M, McCambridge, J., (2014) The alcohol industry, charities and policy influence in the UK.

Eur J Public Health 24(4):557-61

McCambridge, J., Kypri, K., Drummond, C., & Strang, J. (2014). Alcohol Harm Reduction: Corporate Capture of a Key Concept. PLoS Medicine, 11(12), e1001767.

McCambridge J, Hawkins B, Holden C. (2013) Industry use of evidence to influence alcohol policy: a case study of submissions to the 2008 Scottish government consultation. PLoS Medicine 10(4):e1001431 PMID 23630458.

McCambridge J, Kypri K, Miller P, Hawkins B, Hastings G. (2014) Be aware of Drinkaware. Addiction 109: 519-524. PMID 24164565.

McCambridge J, Hawkins B, Holden C. (2014) The challenge corporate lobbying poses to reducing society’s alcohol problems: insights from U.K. evidence on Minimum Unit Pricing. Addiction 109: 199-205. PMID 84261642.

McCambridge J., Hartwell, G. (2015) Has industry funding biased studies of the protective effects of alcohol on cardiovascular disease? A preliminary investigation of prospective cohort studies. Drug & Alcohol Review 34: 58-66. PMID 24602075

Hawkins, B., McCambridge, J. (2014) Industry actors, think tanks and UK alcohol policy. American Journal of Public Health 104(8):1363-9. PMID: 24922137

Other outputs in peer reviewed journals

McCambridge J. (2004) The value of independence? (commentary) Addiction 99: 157.

McCambridge J. (2004) Drug policy and the public good? (letter) Addiction 99: 388.

McCambridge J. (2004) The opportunity for public health activism to reduce alcohol harm (letter).

Addiction 99: 1477-1478.

McCambridge J. (2009) Devolution and British drug policies: Natural experiments in need of

evaluation (editorial). Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 16: 1-6.

McCambridge, J, Kypri K. (2009) The price of alcohol and the value of the ceteris paribus

Assumption (commentary). Addiction Research and Theory 17(6): 580–582

McCambridge J. (2012) Dealing responsibly with the alcohol industry in London (editorial). Alcohol &

Alcoholism 47(6): 635-637 DOI:  10.1093/alcalc/ags107

McCambridge J. (2012) A user’s guide to the 2012 Alcohol Strategy for England and Wales: a

commentary on the commentaries. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 19 (5) 377-378

McCambridge J, Kypri K, Miller P.G., Hawkins B, Hastings G. (2014) From tobacco control to alcohol policy (reply to commentaries). Addiction, 109: 528-529.

McCambridge, J. (2015). "Accounting for the masters of deception." Addiction 110(7): 1072-1073.

 McCambridge, J. (2015). "Accounting for the masters of deception." Addiction 110(7): 1072-1073.

McCambridge, J., K. Kypri, P. Miller, B. Hawkins and G. Hastings (2015). "Where is the evidence?" Addiction 110(3): 540-541.

Naimi, T.S., Babor, T., Chikritzhs, T, Stockwell, T.R., McCambridge, J., Miller, P.G., Xuan, Z., Bradley, K., Blanchette, J.G., Kypri, K. and Saitz, R. (2015). "Let's Not "Relax" Evidence Standards when Recommending Risky Preventive Therapeutic Agents." Alcohol Clin Exp Res 39(7): 1275-1276

Melanie Wakefield

Peer reviewed journal articles

Wakefield M, Terry-McElrath Y, Emery S, Saffer H, Chaloupka F, Szczypka G, Flay B, O’Malley PM, Johnston LD. Effect of televised, tobacco company-funded smoking prevention advertising on youth smoking-related beliefs, intentions, and behavior. American Journal of Public Health 2006; 96 (12): 2154-2160.

Szczypka G, Wakefield MA, Emery S, Terry-McElrath YM, Flay BR, Chaloupka FJ. Working to make an image: An analysis of three Philip Morris corporate image media campaigns. Tobacco Control 2007; 16 (5): 344-350.